There are some advantages and disadvantages of LED lights.
This is something we see in our daily lives and it’s now a common popular light technology. It is still up for debate however if this is truly a better alternative than regular normal light bulb. Lets dive deeper into the pros and cons of it to understand better about LED lighting.
Advantages of LED light
1. Long lifespan
LED is able to last for a very long time when comparing to incandescent bulbs. The results may vary but it is estimate to be about roughly 50000 hours max it can last for. This in return will help you save the hassle of having to continuously resupply and replace it many times.
2. Efficiency
LED are able to emit more light since they are able to convert electricity into visible light and not producing much heat. Thus, it will consume less amount of energy and power than the regular light and fluorescent in order to produce the same amount of brightness.
3. Lights up quickly
LED is able to light up the area almost right away when you connect and switch it on. This is to prevent issues where you will have to wait for the light to completely be done. This is infuriating for your eyes to get it adjusted to the different level of brightness around the area.
4. Color
LED comes in wide variety of colors than the standard traditional lights colors since it doesn’t use any color filters. This is beneficial in an aesthetic point of view since you have the freedom to design and customise on what suits the place best.
Disadvantages of LED light
1. High upfront costs
It costs about 3 to 4 times more than the typical light so it’s not cheap getting one at the start. If budget constraints is an issue for you, then it is probably not worth spending money on the initial investments. However, if you’re looking for long run usage, then LED is the way to go for its cost effectiveness. Otherwise, it is probably best to avoid spending on it.
2. Voltage Sensitivity
LED needs to have voltage that is above the threshold and current below the rating for the power supply. Additionally, the electrical current can be affected easily even with a slight change in the voltage and will make the effectiveness of the LED drop in the process.
3. Dependent on Temperature
LED is very dependent on the environment’s temperature so. The concern for this is when overusing LED light operating in high ambient temperature, there is a possibility that it may overheat and damage in the process. So, it is important to get the right LED for that specific temperature range.
4. Electric Polarity
LED must have the right electrical polarity in order to illuminate the light, unlike incandescent light that isn’t affected by the electrical polarity. In order for it to match the source polarity to the LED automatically, a rectifier can be used to solve the problem.
Besides all that is being mentioned above, there is many more benefits and drawbacks when it comes to LED lights. If you are interested you can read out more about it here. Also if u have trouble deciding which types of lighting you should use be it LED,CFL or incandescent type, click here to help with comparing between the three.
About Us
123 LED Lightingis a Singapore-based LED light distributor and solution provider for commercial and residential areas. Our mission is to proved excellent quality of service in designed to help our customers in creating healthier business and home environments while still providing them with a peace of mind of high-cost electricity bills.